Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart occupies a leading position across Europe in technology transfer through research spin-offs and startups. Communication expert Florian Semle spoke with Institute Director Thomas Bauernhansl on the Institute’s groundbreaking strategy.
Spin-offs – systematically launched
First and foremost, Fraunhofer IPA is a research institute. But: It is also a birthplace for spin-offs. start-up support team is systematically driving this forward.
The TissueGrinder
An automated miniature mill for sensitive cell tissue enables the extraction of living cells from a tissue sample. The technology was developed at Fraunhofer IPA. This procedure – which has now been outlicensed to the start-up Fast Forward Discoveries GmbH – creates an important prerequisite for personalized medicine.
A day with… Markus Böhm
He started his career as a factory planner almost ten years ago in Iceland. Today, Markus Böhm is developing value stream analysis at Fraunhofer IPA and transferring it to the digital age. "interaktiv" has accompanied the researcher for a day and presents him and his work.
Assembly planning rethought
Cost-intensive, time-consuming and error-prone – these are obstacles in previous assembly planning. The company, which was founded at Fraunhofer IPA in 2022 "Assemblio GmbH" meets these challenges with AI-based intelligent and automated assembly planning.
Go with the flow: Matrix production in the flow
Fraunhofer IPA and Siemens AG in Karlsruhe operate the "Matrixproduktion im Fluss” (matrix production in flow) lab. The aim is a comprehensive transformation of the manufacturing structure into matrix production. In an interview, the two project leaders provide insights into their work to date.
AI under control
Products that use artificial intelligence (AI) must be developed in accordance with the law and deliver comprehensible results. An audit conducted by Fraunhofer IPA has now confirmed these properties for a product from Experian - the "Fraud Miner" as part of a fraud prevention solution.
Mobile robotics as the key to matrix production
For matrix production to function optimally, a whole fleet of mobile robots is needed. Ants serve as a role model for orchestrating this dynamic interaction as efficiently as possible. Agha Ali Haider Qizilbash from the Robot and Assistive Systems department gives an insight into his research work.
3D-printed sensors
In 3D-printing, up to now, the integration of electronic components and consequently, the production of customized sensors has presented a challenge. Now, together with the companies ARBURG and Balluff, Fraunhofer IPA has achieved a breakthrough.
Digital Helpers for Assembly Automation
An app to determine the potential for automation, and a website for automation-friendly components design: Companies can use these two tools to make assembly more efficient and economical. Both can be used with just a few clicks.
StationConnector is ready for the market
Daten sind die Währung der Zukunft. But how does a company derive countless data from its machines in order to modernize production? Innovative software helps. It reads out the data needed and makes it available for any application. Its advantage is: It is particularly flexible and user-friendly.
Powerful and healthy, thanks to high tech
Many activities overstrain the human body and lead to wear and tear and damage in the long run. For about a decade, Fraunhofer IPA has been developing exoskeletons, i.e. support structures that protect against damage to health.
Capture and use digital data correctly
The analysis of a production starts with the bottlenecks. This prevents production from being optimized locally at the points that contribute little to the performance of the entire production system.
Role models from nature: Where is the added value?
As you read this article, a species is probably going extinct. This happens even before we get to learn about it. According to a biodiversity report from the United Nations, up to 130 animal and plant species die out every day. With each species, we also lose a role model...
Custom machine suit suitable for clean work
With 2ndSCIN®, a research team from Fraunhofer IPA has developed a protective enclosure for robots and other automation components that are to be used in a clean room.
Virtual insights into the working world of tomorrow
The two Stuttgart-based Fraunhofer Institutes IPA and IAO have developed an online platform that makes the Future Work Lab and various other research laboratories virtual and accessible.
Innovation Promotion Prize for low-cost infusion system
Philippa Ngaju Makobore of the Uganda Industrial Research Institute, located in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, and her German cooperation partner, Tobias Behr, of the PAMB Fraunhofer Project Group, have been awarded the Afro-German Innovation Promotion Prize 2020 by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
How digital is my company?
Digital transformation is improving production and making entirely new business models possible. However, before implementation begins, it makes sense to determine the degree of maturity, advises Paul Thieme from the DigiTools for Manufacturing department at Fraunhofer IPA.
Computer game to stimulate people living with dementia
"TagAktiv", a computer game for people with dementia, has been developed at Fraunhofer IPA. It is used for everyday practical and cognitive activation and is based on MAKS therapy.
Biopolymers for 3D printing
Large quantities of previously unused, degradable biopolymers accrue in agriculture and forestry. They could be used for 3D printing, replacing the non-biological polymers that have been used en masse.
Weltweit erstes ultraeffizientes Gewerbegebiet
Ohne Abfall, Abwasser und Abluft: Das Konzept für das weltweit erste stadtnahe, ultraeffiziente Gewerbegebiet steht. Wissenschaftler der drei Fraunhofer-Institute IPA, IAO und IGB haben es gemeinsam mit der Stadt Rheinfelden (Baden) und den ansässigen Unternehmen erarbeitet. Es sieht vor, alternative Energiequellen anzuzapfen, vorhandene Synergien besser zu nutzen und Kreisläufe zu...
Automation of automation and bin picking
An example of pioneering technology is a separation process using robots known as bin picking. Its development exemplifies the path from research result to a purchasable product of Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH. The technology is still being further developed today under the motto "Automation for Automation".