An automated miniature mill for sensitive cell tissue enables the extraction of living cells from a tissue sample. The technology was developed at Fraunhofer IPA. This procedure – which has now been outlicensed to the start-up Fast Forward Discoveries GmbH – creates an important prerequisite for personalized medicine.
StationConnector is ready for the market
Daten sind die Währung der Zukunft. But how does a company derive countless data from its machines in order to modernize production? Innovative software helps. It reads out the data needed and makes it available for any application. Its advantage is: It is particularly flexible and user-friendly.
Powerful and healthy, thanks to high tech
Many activities overstrain the human body and lead to wear and tear and damage in the long run. For about a decade, Fraunhofer IPA has been developing exoskeletons, i.e. support structures that protect against damage to health.
Role models from nature: Where is the added value?
As you read this article, a species is probably going extinct. This happens even before we get to learn about it. According to a biodiversity report from the United Nations, up to 130 animal and plant species die out every day. With each species, we also lose a role model...
Virtual insights into the working world of tomorrow
The two Stuttgart-based Fraunhofer Institutes IPA and IAO have developed an online platform that makes the Future Work Lab and various other research laboratories virtual and accessible.