He started his career as a factory planner almost ten years ago in Iceland. Today, Markus Böhm is developing value stream analysis at Fraunhofer IPA and transferring it to the digital age. "interaktiv" has accompanied the researcher for a day and presents him and his work.
Go with the flow: Matrix production in the flow
Fraunhofer IPA and Siemens AG in Karlsruhe operate the "Matrixproduktion im Fluss” (matrix production in flow) lab. The aim is a comprehensive transformation of the manufacturing structure into matrix production. In an interview, the two project leaders provide insights into their work to date.
Mobile robotics as the key to matrix production
For matrix production to function optimally, a whole fleet of mobile robots is needed. Ants serve as a role model for orchestrating this dynamic interaction as efficiently as possible. Agha Ali Haider Qizilbash from the Robot and Assistive Systems department gives an insight into his research work.
Capture and use digital data correctly
The analysis of a production starts with the bottlenecks. This prevents production from being optimized locally at the points that contribute little to the performance of the entire production system.